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COVID-19 Dashboard, Preparedness Plan, and Extended Continuity of Learning Plan

COVID-19 Reporting Dashboard

Universal Academy – Detected Staff and Student cases resulting in quarantine (Running Total since August 25, 2021 ):

Universal Academy

Positive or Probable Cases

Number of Cases

Total # of Students and Staff:

Positive Cases


Total # of Students and Staff :

Probable Cases


Total # of Students and Staff :

Positive and Probable Cases

Total # of Students and Staff :

Close Contact Quarantine


Founder’s Message!

To Our Parent, Students, Faculty, and Staff

During this unprecedented time in our lives, it is important for us to make sure that our parents, students, and staff are properly informed and updated with the most recent information and resources. Hamadeh Educational Services (HES), Universal Academy’s educational service provider is keeping and staying in tuned with the updates and notices from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MHDDS). The health, safety, and well-being of all students is the district’s top priority. MDHSS is working with health authorities on developing access to education and support resources.

As this is a very confusing time regarding proper educational methods, we understand that families have questions and concerns. HES will continue to update the HES community on any changes as soon as they are made available.

The below is information about the Universal Academy and a collection of  resources that has been provided by state of Michigan’s Department of EducationCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and other resources that will be helpful as may be needed. These are very useful materials, toolkits and resources that we feel are very informative. Please take the time and become familiar with this information and please stay safe!


Nawal Hamadeh, Academy Founder

COVID-19 Updates

New Policies announced on November 16, 2020 by Governor Whitmer and the MDHHS temporarily halted in-person instruction at high schools and colleges, indoor dine-in service at restaurants and bars, and high school athletics as well as close some businesses, including movie theaters, bowling alleys and casinos for three weeks effective Wednesday, November 19 through December 8, 2020.

COVID-19 Preparedness Response, Continuity to Learning & Extended Learning Plans

On August 20, 2020 Governor Whitmer signed House Bill 5913 into law as Public Act 149.  Section 98a states that in order to receive state aid for 2020-2021, districts must provide for instruction under an extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (“Plan”) that has been approved by an intermediate district or authorizing body.  The Plan does not replace the District’s/PSA’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan, it is an additional plan that includes new assurances and sections on educational goals, instructional delivery, grading, and equitable access.  PA 149 does not apply to districts that operate as a cyber-school. 

District/PSA educational goals written for all students and all subgroups must be established no later than September 15, 2020 and submitted in their Plan to the ISD or Authorizing Body, as applicable, no later than October 1, 2020 for approval.  ISDs and PSAs will transmit the approved plan to the superintendent of public instruction and the state treasurer.  Accordingly, the Academy established its plan and continues to review its plans on monthly basis to determine changes and if going back to in-school instruction is feasible.

COVID-19 Workplace Safety Plan (Click to view)

The COVID-19 Preparedness & Response Plan has been established for the Academy and its educational service provider, Hamadeh Educational Services in accordance with the requirements in the Executive Orders (EOs) for COVID-19 signed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the OSHA Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19, and the latest guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The purpose of the plan is to minimize or eliminate employee exposure to SARS-CoV-2. The Academy team follows the guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). We recommend following the CDC’s recommendations, to prevent the spread of illness.

Michigan, MDE, Intermediate School District and Online Resources

MI Safe Schools 2020-21 Return to School Roadmap (Click to view)

First and foremost, the Roadmap provides required and strongly recommended safety protocols to keep school communities safe based on the status of the coronavirus. Additionally, the Roadmap provides recommendations across mental and social-emotional health, instruction, and operations within each phase of the MI Safe Start Plan, to support all schools in Michigan as they continue their return to school planning work and move towards implementation. These requirements and recommendations are not always easy, but they are necessary. We must all continue to put safety first, leverage science, data, and public health evidence to inform the decisions we make to serve each and every student in Michigan well.

Learning at a Distance Guidance (Click to view)

This is a work in progress, a largely teacher-written effort to help address the immediate needs of staff who must address the immediate needs of children – at a distance – during a pandemic. This document seeks to help ALL districts improve learning at a distance: those with lots, some, and little technology. It is not meant to be a magnum opus, a document for the ages, but preferably one that can be modified and adjusted according to the needs of educators and the students whom they serve.

MDE COVID-19 Online Instructional Resources (Click to view)

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is providing the following optional resources to assist local districts with additional learning experiences for students during this time. The intent of these resources is to assist with supplemental online distance and virtual learning opportunities for all students. Prior to districts moving learning experiences to an online environment, there are several readiness considerations that need to be put into place. The resources on this page are not intended to replace any resources that the district already has and is providing to students. District provided resources are aligned to local curriculum and opportunities. The intent of these resources is to provide districts with additional tools to fill in any possible gaps. Please continue to visit this website and review the information sent by the department as these resources and guidance will be continually updated.

Meeting the Needs of English Learners

Food Service Program

Universal Academy is offering meals at no cost to the families through the SFSP (Summer Food Service Program) for the 2020-21 school year. The program includes free breakfast and lunch bags, with 7 days worth of meals, to students and community. Meals are distributed through a “grab and go” style with minimal preparation, or reheating, and include fresh fruits and vegetables. Distribution service is scheduled on Fridays from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM. 

Parents are notified via the Academy social media platforms, Instagram, Facebook as well as through Remind.  Parents may contact the Director of Food Services with questions at (313) 581-5006.

Technology Support

During these unprecedented times, consistent with the COVID-19 Educational Learning Plan and the Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan, the Academy will remain remote and learning will continue to take place virtually through Google Classroom and/or Schoology during the first marking period and through December 31, 2020. The Academy will continue to evaluate its options on monthly basis by gathering current data where the majority of students reside, stakeholders’ surveys, incidents within the school community, and the Health Department recommendations to inform its decision-making in reconsidering the virtual and in-school instruction for January through June 2021.

If Online Learning Is Implemented

For the online learning, the following are needed on a consistent basis to have a successful online-learning student:

  • Access to internet and webcam capabilities.
  • A motivated learning space.
  • Maintaining a rigorous learning schedule.
  • Complete all assignments by the specified due dates.

Other learning methods that are being taken into consideration for the upcoming school year are:

  • In person – a return to the traditional classroom learning environment.
  • Virtual – teaching and learning in a fully online environment
  • Hybrid – a combination of classroom and online learning.

Student Support

  • Google Classroom: upon acceptance to the Academy, each student will receive a username and password from the main office (Office Manager and Pupil Accountant) to his/her Google Classroom account with his/her designated classroom teacher(s). Once signed into their Google Classroom, the classroom teacher(s) will also provide students with access to various online curriculum resources that they use in their classes. The Academy instructional resources are available in digital format for all students. Students who require non-digital or hard copies of curriculum materials and resources will need to contact the school principal via the school phone number or email.
  • Chromebooks: Each student in grades Prek-12 is provided with a Chromebook, a headset and charger to facilitate the online teaching and learning. Students are to use their equipment responsibly and consistent with the terms of the provided Chromebook/Technology Equipment Agreement that is signed in advance.  In the event a Chromebook is returned damaged, the student is responsible for paying to repair the Chromebook.
  • For support, students and/or parents may contact the Academy main office during business hours, Mondays – Fridays from 8 AM – 3:30 PM. If you no longer need the district-loaned Chromebook(s), please follow the return process below:
    • Bring Chromebook(s) to the Main Office of the school building where your child is enrolled during office hours: Monday – Friday from 8 AM – 3:30 PM
      • Detroit, MI  48210:
      • UA (Grades PreK-12): 4833 Ogden St.; (313) 581-50006

Staff Support

  • Upon hire, new staff is provided with numerous online accounts for the school year. These accounts will help staff navigate through a given school year in reference to student profiles, curriculum, district standardized assessments, and curriculum resources. These online accounts include but not limited to:
    • PowerSchool SIS
    • Rubicon/Atlas
    • Google Classroom
    • NWEA Assessment Account
    • Curriculum Resources
  • Laptop: Each teacher and administrator who is designated to work virtually is provided with a laptop to facilitate the online teaching and learning. Staff are responsible for damages due to neglect and consistent with the terms of the provided Laptop/technology Equipment Agreement that is signed in advance. 
  • For support, staff may contact their supervisor or the Principal via email or phone or during business hours, Mondays – Fridays from 8 AM – 3:30 PM. For Technical Support, you may email the designated IT support email of the building that you’re assigned at.
  • If you no longer need the district-loaned laptop(s), please coordinate with the Academy principal to return the equipment.

Teacher and School Support Staff COVID Grant (Click to view)

Translation Resources (Click to view)

There are several free resources that LEAs can utilize to ensure that families are receiving up to date communications. Below are a few suggestions that utilize software to translate. Keep in mind these products are not acceptable for the use of formal communication or when parents are asked to sign a document. However, they can be used for simple update, newsletters, and classroom communication.

List of communication resources regarding translation for parents’ home languages – commonly used LEA communication tools that automatically translate a number of languages. Parents must select their preferred language during setup for the automatic feature to be enabled.

Parent Resources (Click to view)

Below are additional resources that will assist in opening a conversation with your child about COVID-19:

Community Resources

COVID-19 Community Resource Guide (Click to view)

Mental Health Crisis Resources:

Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255 -or- 1-800-448-4663 -or- TEXT: 741741

***Any hospital emergency room can do a suicide risk assessment***

Other Resources:

OK 2 SAY – Crisis Hotline 855-565-2729 -or- TEXT: 652729 -or- Email:

Community Therapy Resources:

Starfish Behavior Health Services, 18316 Middlebelt Road, Livonia, (248) 615-9730

Food Pantry Resources:

  • Harvest Loves Food Pantry, Westland, Michigan, 734-895-3280
  • St. John Neumann, Canton, Michigan, 734-455-5910
  • Salvation Army, Plymouth, MI, 734-453-5464
  • Gleaners – 866-453-2637 (866-GLEANER) – Emergency food assistance
  • United Way – – United Way supports 211, a free and confidential service that helps people across North America find the local resources they need 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 211
  • Wayne Metro – 313-388-9799, Offers a variety of programs to ensure families have access to healthy meals and produce

Locate a food pantry in your area:

Additional Free Resources for Schools during COVID-19 Pandemic

FERPA Guidelines

The purpose of this FERPA information is to provide parents with FERPA guidelines pertaining to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from students’ education records to outside entities when addressing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Other Resources:

May schools disclose information about cases of COVID-19?